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About Us

Born and made in Europe
Novi Pazar is small town, in which more than 3,000 employees were employed in big textile factory. Then one day the factory closed. But the knowledge stayed in town, Back in 1989, me and mine brother decided to buy our first Singer sewing machine. In the first years, we were conducting number of different services. By the time, with all of the skills and knowledge that we had on our doorstep, we started to grow. In ’90, Our little firm became recognizable by the high quality of the clothes that we produced. That is way we decided to call our company “Quality”. This name has clearly determined our tendency to keep design and quality of our products on high level.
Born and made in Europe
After a years of accumulated knowledge and experiences, Elit was born. Elit is a clothing brand, made and born in Europe. Behind Elit brand, there are 27 years of experience, 27 years of improvements, 27 years of heritage. Meanwhile,we acquired capital and experience,so we could raise the quality of products making our production perfect and using modern technology. We have increased the space for production and we increased the number of employees carefully and studiously.
We love our customers
We considered and we still do that the customer has to be respected and appreciated by our company.Both we and customer need close relationship when we negotiate about assortment of products,modern trend,quality and design.We have been trying to search,follow and get feedback from the last customer,but also to hear attitudes and opinions about our products. From the day our firm has started to exist to nowadays,our main preoccupation was quality,but not quantity in production!We consider it is slow,but long-term way to achieve a real success.
Esad & Safet Hamzagic
Shop The High Quality Products

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